Soya Beans

Soybean rotation was observed to provide higher levels of useful nutrients into the soil to increase crop yield. As a legume, soybean traps nitrogen and phosphorus from the atmosphere and stores them in its roots. When the roots decompose, these nutrients are slowly released into the soil for the next crop to use.Avocados need the right amounts of Nitrogen and Phosphorous for healthy metabolism, Potassium and Zinc in the fruit, Calcium for good structure, Magnesium for good photosynthesis capacity, and Boron, Iron, and Manganese for good health.

During the period of Hass avocado seedlings settings, and in the early stages of avocado orchard development, particularly the first two years, the Company will exercising Intercropping avocado with soya beans. The beans fix nitrogen in the soil, thus, making it rich for the avocados besides helping to utilise the farm to the maximum.